By way of breath, AkshayYoga is an authentic method fusing Functional Anatomy, Bio-Mechanics, and Alignment Principles with Classical Yoga. Rooted in the wisdom of knowledge, AkshayYoga in its methodology is concise, logical, and cohesive. Drawn upon the Eight-Limbs of Yoga, AkshayYoga establishes an infrastructure for yoga practice as a field of exploration to enhance the process of discovering new pathways of awareness. Organic movement, breath, and concentration become the nucleus for healing and transformation.
With an original voice and a natural ability Tom's teaching centers on insightful perception. Through this insight a clear, thorough understanding into the principles and wisdom of yoga and its direct application to daily life is heightened. Tom masterfully balances accuracy with accessibility, depth with clarity, and intellectual integrity with inspiration.
Classes | Workshops | Retreats | Teacher Trainings